May 20, 2024

The Lake Tribune

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Public Concerns Voiced Over Explicit Books in Camden County Library

2 min read

Children in Library (Photo By Pixabay)

CAMDEN COUNTY, MO. (The Lake Tribune) – Community members in Camden County have voiced concerns over the availability of sexually graphic books to minors at the local library. At a Camden County Library District Board of Trustees meeting on December 15, held in the Camdenton Library, citizens called for the removal of such books from the children’s section.

The current library policy allows minors aged 17 and under with a parent or guardian-approved library card full access to all library materials. Concerns were raised about the unrestricted access to adult content for children who can freely read the materials within the library without needing to check them out.

Camdenton Alderman Daniel Ousley was one of the first to express disapproval, citing examples of books with explicit imagery and language, including animated depictions that resemble pornographic material, being accessible to minors. Ousley, having reviewed the books available at the library, conveyed his stance not on banning books but on ensuring tax dollars do not fund the purchase of materials that could be considered pornographic or that may influence a child’s understanding of sexual orientation prematurely, without parental guidance.

Among the contested books is the graphic novel “Flamer,” found in the 12-to-18-year-old section of the Camdenton branch, which deals with mature themes from a 14-year-old’s perspective at Boy Scout summer camp.

The issue reflects a nationwide debate on the content available in public libraries, particularly those that deal with explicit sexual content, LGBTQ themes, and transgender issues. The meeting ended with a clear position from some community members for the library to reassess the materials accessible to young readers.

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