July 27, 2024

The Lake Tribune

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Missouri GOP Candidate Valentina Gomez Delivers Controversial Message “Don’t be Weak and Gay,”

2 min read

Valentina Gomez (Photo By Screenshot on X)

Missouri (The Lake Tribune) – Missouri Republican Secretary of State candidate Valentina Gomez has released a new campaign video that is drawing attention for its provocative content. In the video, Gomez is seen running through St. Louis’s Soulard District, an area known for its historically LGBTQ community, while making a bold statement to voters.

“In America, you can be anything you want, so don’t be weak and gay,” declares Gomez in the video as she jogs in a bulletproof vest. The video concludes with Gomez holding a rifle, underscored by Lupe Fiasco’s song “The Show Goes On.”

The campaign video also features a tag to Andrew Tate, a controversial British influencer currently detained in Romania on charges unrelated to Gomez’s campaign. In her post, Gomez urges her followers to help “take Missouri back from these corrupt politicians” on August 6.

Gomez, 24, has previously gained media attention for her actions against materials she and many others across Missouri claim are inappropriate. In a video, she used a flamethrower to destroy books found in school libraries about the LGBTQ community. She stated she intends to ban such books if elected, saying, “This is what I will do to grooming books when I become secretary of state.”

Gomez’s approach continues to stir discussion and controversy as she competes in the Republican primary against three other candidates. The primary is scheduled for August 6. Missouri’s current Secretary of State, Republican Jay Ashcroft, is not running for re-election as he pursues the governorship.

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