May 20, 2024

The Lake Tribune

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Bubonic Plague Has Resurfaced in Oregon, Likely Traced Back to Pet Cat

2 min read

Plague bacterium Yersinia pestis (Photo By IStock Photo)

Deschutes County, Oregon (The Lake Tribune) – Health officials in Deschutes County, Oregon have confirmed a rare case of human plague in a resident, marking the first occurrence of the disease in the state since 2015. The infection was likely transmitted by the individual’s pet cat, which had exhibited symptoms of the plague. This incident has prompted a swift response from health authorities to mitigate any further risk.

Dr. Richard Fawcett, the Deschutes County Health Officer, announced that all close contacts of the patient and their pet have been reached and provided with preventative medication. He reassured the public that the situation was under control, with no additional cases identified during their thorough investigation.

The plague, often associated with historical epidemics, continues to surface sporadically in the United States, particularly in rural areas of the West. In humans, symptoms can manifest within two to eight days after exposure and include fever, muscle aches, nausea, and swollen lymph nodes. If not treated promptly, the plague can progress to more severe stages, affecting the bloodstream and lungs.

Transmission to humans can occur through a flea bite or direct contact with infected animals, making pets like cats highly susceptible to vectors. Despite its historical lethality, the plague is now treatable with modern antibiotics if diagnosed early.

The last reported case of plague in Oregon before this incident was in 2015, emphasizing the rarity of human infections in recent times. Health officials have recommended preventative measures for residents, such as keeping pets leashed outdoors and avoiding feeding or interacting with wild rodents, to prevent future cases.

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