May 17, 2024

The Lake Tribune

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Missouri Enacts ‘Missouri SAFE Act’ Restricting Gender Transition Treatments for Minors

1 min read

Missouri Capitol

Missouri’s legislative landscape has seen significant changes with the enactment of the “Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act”, encompassed in Senate Bills 49, 236 & 164. This act places strict limitations on gender transition treatments for minors.

Under the new law, healthcare providers are prohibited from performing gender transition surgeries on minors. Additionally, until August 28, 2027, the prescription or administration of cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs to minors for gender transition is banned, except for those who were already receiving such treatments before August 28, 2023.

Violating these provisions will lead to severe consequences, including the revocation of professional licenses and the possibility of legal action against the healthcare providers involved. The act, however, makes exceptions for speech protected by the First Amendment, treatment of disorders of sex development, conditions caused or exacerbated by gender transition procedures, or situations where the minor’s life is in imminent danger.

This legislative action has sparked diverse reactions. While some, including Senate President Pro Tem Caleb Rowden, view it as the start of a broader dialogue on transgender issues in Missouri, others like Senator Greg Razer express disappointment and concern about the impact on families and the transgender community.

The enactment of the Missouri SAFE Act aligns with a series of related bills proposed over the years and signifies a critical juncture in Missouri’s stance on transgender rights, reflecting the ongoing national debate on this issue.

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