June 28, 2024

The Lake Tribune

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A Deadly Drug-Resistant Fungus With a 60% Death Rate is Spreading Across the US

2 min read

Director of the National Reference Centre for Invasive Fungus Infections, Oliver Kurzai, Holding a Petri Dish of Yeast Candida Auris (Photo By Getty Images)

United States (The Lake Tribune) – A concerning surge in the spread of Candida auris, a deadly and drug-resistant fungus, is raising alarms across the United States. With a fatality rate as high as 60% for those infected with its invasive form, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has classified it as an urgent threat, particularly in healthcare settings where it spreads easily and poses a significant risk to individuals with weakened immune systems. This is presently NOT seen as a threat to healthy people.

First identified 15 years ago, Candida auris has witnessed a dramatic increase in cases, with 2,377 confirmed clinical cases in the U.S. in 2021 alone, marking an over 1,200 percent increase since 2017. This fungus is notorious for its resistance to multiple anti-fungal drugs, making it a formidable challenge for medical facilities.

Washington State reported its first cases in January 2024, with Seattle and King County announcing additional infections shortly after. The patients, asymptomatic at the time, were isolated with enhanced clinical and cleaning measures at Kindred Hospital Seattle First Hill to prevent further spread.

Candida auris can infect various parts of the body, including the bloodstream, wounds, and ears. Its ability to be transmitted by individuals who are not sick themselves complicates control efforts, as these carriers can contaminate surfaces or objects, further spreading the fungus to other patients.

Dr. Luis Ostrosky, a professor of infectious diseases at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston, emphasizes the risk Candida auris poses due to its multi-drug resistance and efficiency in spreading within healthcare environments. He warns that ignoring its spread could lead to a “nightmare scenario” for public health.

The CDC highlights the difficulty in identifying Candida auris without specialized laboratory technology, which can result in misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. While the fungus presents a grave threat to those with severe infections, healthy adults generally do not face the same level of risk.

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