June 24, 2024

The Lake Tribune

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Missouri Medical Marijuana Program Transfers $13 Million to Benefit Veterans

1 min read

Missouri medical marijuana program is transferring $13 million to the Veterans Commission

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) announced a $13 million transfer from the state’s medical marijuana program to the Missouri Veterans Commission (MVC). This marks the fifth such transfer since the program’s inception in 2018, bringing the total funding to nearly $40 million.

The DHSS also disclosed plans to transfer nearly $4 million generated by Missouri’s adult-use marijuana program. These funds will be divided among the MVC, the Missouri State Public Defender, and the DHSS itself.

The transfers are in line with a 2018 amendment to Missouri’s constitution, which mandates that fees and taxes from medical marijuana sales be allocated to the MVC to improve healthcare access for veterans. A subsequent amendment, passed in November 2022, extends this requirement to the adult-use marijuana program as well.

Amy Moore, Director of the Division of Cannabis Regulation at DHSS, praised the program’s impact. “It’s incredible that Missouri voters passed the adult-use amendment less than a year ago, and we’re already seeing its financial benefits on multiple organizations and the Missourians they serve,” she said.

Paul Kirchhoff, MVC Executive Director, emphasized the importance of these funds for sustaining the state’s seven Veterans Homes. “These funds will help MVC continue to support the existing infrastructure of our seven Veterans Homes,” he stated.

The transfers are expected to continue on an annual basis, further bolstering support for Missouri’s veterans. For more information, visit The Lake Tribune.

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